Oyster Support
Oyster Support is an innovative recruitment agency that matches healthcare professionals in roles where their skills and experience can be utilised to maximum client benefit. At Oyster Support, we believe that good care provision goes hand in hand with a safe and clean environment. Therefore, in providing the support health care establishments need to deliver their services we also supply well trained cleaning staff to healthcare establishments in and around Kent.
Our Services
Our database of dedicated Nurses, Carers and Domestics have client care at the heart of what they do. We are a dedicated, reliable and responsive team providing 24 hours, all year service. Our thorough risk assessment procedures match clients with the right healthcare professional, ensuring clients’ needs are met.
Our specialist account management team invests time in understanding clients’ business with a view to providing a service tailored to their needs.
We serve individuals, Care Homes, Local Authorities and Hospitals (Public and Private). We take special care to recruit staff with the right level of experience, skills aptitude and tact to ensure that both staff and service users benefit from an enjoyable and confidence building experience.
Legislation surrounding the cleanliness of healthcare establishments requires that healthcare associated infections are kept to a minimum. Oyster Support understands the challenges faced in order to sustain a safe and hygienic environment.
Oyster Support provides concierge services within supported housing schemes. With budgets always a concern our competitive rates offer organisations the flexible approach to ensure that a concierge is on site when your support staff are not.
kitchen porter
Oyster Support provides highly efficient Kitchen Porters to work in Hospitals and other establishments. We ensure that all our staff possess satisfactory enhanced DBS checks and are aware of the boundaries associated with looking after vulnerable people.
Oyster Support at a Glance
Oyster Support is an innovative recruitment agency that matches healthcare professionals in roles where their skills and experience can be utilised to maximum client benefit.
t Oyster Support, we believe that good care provision goes hand in hand with a safe and clean environment. Therefore, in providing the support health care establishments need to deliver their services we also supply well trained cleaning staff to healthcare establishments in and around Kent.
Our database of dedicated Nurses, Carers and Domestics have client care at the heart of what they do. We are a dedicated, reliable and responsive team providing 24 hours, all year service. Our thorough risk assessment procedures match clients with the right healthcare professional, ensuring clients’ needs are met.
Our specialist account management team invests time in understanding clients’ business with a view to providing a service tailored to their needs.
Oyster Support provides care for people with: Learning Disabilities Autism & other Developmental Disorders Mental Health needs Communication needs Sensory needs Epilepsy Dementia
Oyster Support provides a range of cleaning services for healthcare establishments of all sizes throughout Kent such as: Hospitals GPs Dental surgeries Occupational health centres Medical clinics Care homes Maternity units Private surgeries
Oyster Support provides concierge services within supported housing schemes. Our concierge team are there to protect the welfare of the premises and your service users and are aware of the boundaries associated with looking after vulnerable people.
Oyster Support provides highly efficient Kitchen Porters to work in Hospitals and other establishments. We ensure that all our staff possess satisfactory enhanced DBS checks and are aware of the boundaries associated with looking after vulnerable people.
Oyster Support provide learning and development: At Oyster Support, we provide mandatory training courses to all of our staff.