Oyster Support


We serve individuals, Care Homes, Local Authorities and Hospitals (Public and Private). We take special care to recruit staff with the right level of experience, skills aptitude and tact to ensure that both staff and service users benefit from an enjoyable and confidence building experience.

We will maintain a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment where service users are able to develop and grow at their own pace to maximise their potential. Our well trained staff will meet care and environmental hygiene standards and maintain a professional appearance at all times.

Oyster Support provides care for people with:

  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism & other Developmental Disorders
  • Mental Health needs
  • Communication needs
  • Sensory needs
  • Epilepsy
  • Dementia


Oyster Support will work in partnership with local health care establishments in providing a high standard of care support. Our staff will offer consistent care, enabling each service user to live in an environment that encourages positive relationships, mutual respect, trust, and consideration for others.

Our staff will assist service users in the development of their sense of identity and self-image. We aim to empower service users to make choices through the expression of wishes, feelings and preferences, developing their right to self-determination.

Our staff will adopt a person-centred approach, ensuring the best possible support for each service user, providing a service specific to the needs of the individual, giving them a sense of permanence, security, and genuine unhurried commitment.

Our staff will be sensitive to service users’ needs and expectations by encouraging their full participation and integration into the community, aiding them to develop daily living skills and activities of daily living to promote independence and choice.

Oyster Support seeks to enable service users to have access to a wide variety of individual and group activities, both in their home and in the local community, maximising their occupational, vocational and leisure potential.

Our team are trained to accept challenging and disruptive behaviours and, as far as possible, channel these into positive avenues, and to remain committed to non-aversive methods of managing and reducing such behaviours.

Our team are trained to recognise the specific communication needs of each individual and work towards enhancing their communication abilities and develop self-expression.

At Oyster Support we aim to provide our clients with care staff who consistently deliver care with passion and professionalism. We work hard to deliver high-quality care staff that our clients can rely on in times of need.

All of our care staff will be recruited following a careful selection process. New-to-care and refresher training will be provided to all candidates before they are sent out to work ensuring they meet our quality standards of care and clients’ expectations. Locally based management will ensure a high level of service and support.

Specialist Care


Our dedicated and highly trained team of nurses and carers are passionate about playing a part in improving the quality of life for those living with complex medical conditions and illnesses. Whether you are young, old, able bodied or less able bodied, we offer a bespoke care service tailored to meet you or your loved ones needs and expectations.


Hospital Care


Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to supporting hospital nursing teams in the delivery of nursing services, working as part of the practice, delivering care within their scope of practice to the patient population. They will assist clinical staff in the provision of treatment, preventative care, health promotion and patient education.


Care Homes

Oyster Support can be trusted to provide Nurses, Carers and Domestics to Residential Homes, Care Homes and to Nursing Homes. Our staff are carefully vetted, and offer a variety of specific skills and expertise.


Care at Home


At Oyster Support, we pride ourselves in our ability to offer personalised services tailored to meet the particular needs of each client. We promote dignity, independence and provide support, allowing people to live full and rewarding lives in their own homes; we believe in providing quality, professional care service for clients in the comfort of their own homes

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